Saturday, December 1, 2018

                                   CONCEPTION :

                                   FETAL DEVELOPMENT


       When did you conceive your baby, and when is your due date?  Many women don't know when they last ovulated, so working out when a sperm fertilized the egg.
Knowing how your body ovulated  and prepares itself for pregnancy may help  you to understand how your due date can be calculated
      In the week after your period, oestrogen triggers your womb to form a lush, blood-rich lining of tissue. Your levels of the hormone progesterone rise, and your eggs ripen in fluid-filled sacs called follicles.
      At around 14 days of a month cycle, one of your eggs is released from your overy and swept into and down your fallopian tube by tiny finger like structure called cilia. This is called ovulation. In the next 12 hours to 24 hours, the egg,wait  to be fertilized by a single sperm.

    EJACULATION can contain about 200 million and 600 million sperm.although these huge number only about 200 sperm will be active sperm to finish the journey to the fallopian tube.
      When you ovulate  the mucus in your cervix  is thinner than the usual. This helps the sperm  the swim through vagina and womb to your fallopian tube. ;

      Conception occur when a sperm penetrates the waiting egg. It does this by releasing enzyme that help to break down the protective cells covering the egg. Once the sperm has enterd the egg immediately closes its outer membrane to any sperm that can not enter again or made it this far.

  although, you have just conceived your are officially two weeks pregnant 

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BABY'S HABBITS  Babies are so innocent and lovely by seeing them everyone felt with love and attraction with then