Tuesday, March 12, 2019



 Your baby now weighs nearly 660g , about the same as a swede and measures over 34.6cm  from head to heel. He's beginning to swap his long lean look for a chubbier appearance. As he does his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more like a newborn . This baby fat will also help  him to maintain his body temperature after birth.
The hair on your baby's scalp continues to grow. If you could see it you'd  be  able to  discern that it has colours and texture  . This early baby hair is often shed after birth, and replaced by new hairs. Your baby senses are  continuing to become more sophisticated . Although his eyelids are still shut his eyes now contain cells called rods and cones which allow him to sense light.
As your baby's reflexes develop and his hearing improves he may react to a sudden loud  noise by jumping or kicking his legs / You'll no doubt feel his reaction !This is a special time in your pregnancy  as you and your baby begin to feel and respond to each other.

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BABY'S HABBITS  Babies are so innocent and lovely by seeing them everyone felt with love and attraction with then