Friday, December 6, 2019



The average weight of a baby at  38 weeks of pregnancy is about 3 kg, and the average length is about 49.8 cm . Your baby is about as long as a leek.
Your midwife may be able to give you an indication of whether your baby will be bigger or smaller than this based on your fundal height. Fundal height is the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your womb. The fine lanugo hair that covered your baby's body is largely gone, But she may still have some patches when she's born ,particularly on her upper arms and shoulders. Her elbows  and knees may have small dimples , and she can now make a firm grasp with her hands.
Looking forward to seeing what colour your baby eyes are? Remember that the colour of her irises at birth may not indicates what colour her eyes will be when she's older. This is because the pigmentation in her irises needs natural light outside your womb to finish developing . It's not an instant transformation either. It will take a few weeks , or longer ,before she has her final eye colour.


Your may be feeling huge and uncomfortable during these final weeks. Try to take it easy. See film read book that has nothing to do with pregnancy or babies, and catch up with friends. If you're finding it hard to get comfortable in bed take   lots of   naps  to   keep up with your rest. Always try to sleep on your side. Although stillbirth is rare,recent research has shown that sleeping on your side reduces the risk,. Don't worry if you wake up on your back simply roll onto your side again to drop off.
Have you had a sudden urge to clean the house, pre-prepare meals,and get all your baby's things together? This is known as the nesting instinct, and it's something may mums-to-be experience close to the birth.There's no harm in getting everything in order,but take it easy and rest when you nees to., At this point, you never plenty of energy for meeting you baby/.

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BABY'S HABBITS  Babies are so innocent and lovely by seeing them everyone felt with love and attraction with then